Boardgame Organizer Insert for The Colonists and expansion Ante Portas

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Numer pozycji KOLO

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Compatible with The Colonists and its expansion Ante Portas

  • 24 removable trays
  • Lid closes flush
  • Can be stored vertically
  • Supports premium card sleeves (max ext. size 96 x 63 mm)
  • Dimensions after assembly: 307 x 219 x 85 mm
  • Assembly requires wood glue

Hobby gaming product. Age 14+. Not a children's toy.

Warning: Choking hazard, not suitable for children under 3 years.

Establishing a new colony is a massive undertaking. Equally massive as the game The Colonists by Lookout Games. A deluge of components fills the game box to the brim. Our organizer comes to the rescue with custom storage for all components from base game and expansion, creating order in the colony.

It was a challenge to safely store all game components within the limited space of the game box and at the same time ensure everything remains accessible. We decided to go for a variety of individual trays the players can freely arrange on the game table.

KOLO consists of 24 trays which can all be removed from the box.

Trays 1-6: Hold all game cards (sorted by eras)

Tray 7: Goods (food, ore, coal, iron and robes)

Tray 8: Goods (wood, planks, clay and bricks)

Tray 9: Dollars and tools

Tray 10: Production buildings I

Tray 11: Production buildings II

Tray 12: Residential buildings

Tray 13: Colonist figures in 3 colors

Tray 14: Steward figures

Tray 15: Places and market tiles

Tray 16: Botschaften-Plättchen

Tray 17: Storage facilities

Tray 18: Warehouse extensions

Tray 19: Base units from the expansion

Tray 20: Elite units from the expansion

Tray 21: Building tiles from the expansion

Tray 22: Place tiles from the expansion

Tray 23: Mine tiles from the expansion

Tray 24: Trap and bomb tiles from the expansion

Once all trays are back in the box they leave a recess for the scoring pad. Cover everything with the community boards and colony overview sheets. Place the rules on top. The lid closes flush. The game can be stored vertically.

This article is delivered as a kit that requires assembly. We recommend the use of wood glue (not included).

EAN: 4052526420585

FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH
Plauener Strasse 163-165
13053 Berlin

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