Feldherr Storage Box for Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game - Battle of Pelennor Fields: Evil

The big Storage Box FSLB310 filled with custom foam to stowe the evil armies from the GamesWorkshop Starter Set

RRP 75,40 €
69,99 €
Zawartość 1 broń
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Numer pozycji FSLB310P02

The winged creatures from the shadows of Ash Mountain are among Sauron's most horrible creations. With the Witch-King of Angmar on his back, the hybrid creature of dragon and snake is a crucial weapon of Mordor's forces. And when it rages outside the walls of Minas Tiriths accompanied by Mordor-Troll and Morannon Orcs, the downfall of Gondor seems almost sealed.

With these detailed miniatures GamesWorkshop has captured all the splendour and horror of Sauron's army. In order to save you the horror of a broken wing and to facilitate the transport of your army, we provide you with this custom Storage Box set.

The set contains:

  • 1 Feldherr Storage Box FSLB310
  • 1 Full-Size foam tray with 2 compartments for Fell Beasts (FSMEGJ140)
  • 1 Full-Size foam tray as intermediate part (FSMEGL010)
  • 1 Full-Size foam tray with 36 compartments for bases and miniatures (FSMEGK050BO)
  • 1 Half-Size foam tray with 3 compartments for large miniatures (HSDF085BO)
  • 2 Half-Size foam trays each with 16 compartments for miniatures (HS040BF05BO)
  • 1 mat for height compensation (5 mm)
  • 2 foam topper

For the mounts of the Nazgûl you'll need a little more space. They cover 3 Full-Size trays:

  • A mat with 2 compartments, precisely cut for the main part of the miniature of the Witch-King of Angmar on Fell Beast, as well as a second winged creature with Nazgûl.
  • An intermediate part, provided with two circular cutouts for the bases, which serves as a cover for the lower part with the miniatures.
  • The third insert with 2 round base-sized compartments provides a secure stand for the large figures and 34 compartments for the miniatures of the Morannon Orcs.

The storage of the models in precisely fitting compartments protects sensitive parts, such as the wings of the great beasts, from damage. It also prevents the figures from slipping and colliding during transport. This also preserves the colors from flaking or abrasion, which can be very annoying, especially with these large, finely detailed miniatures.

In addition, the storage box set is equipped with three Half-Size foam trays, one of which with three large compartments serves as a shelter for the Mordor Troll. The other two compartments can be used for other large miniatures or to store the tokens.

To enlarge your collection, there are two more inserts with a total of 32 compartments, suitable for orcs and most warrior models of the Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game.

A suitable foam topper completes the all-round care package for the armies of Evil. Everything is safely stowed away and always ready for transport to the Pelennor Fields.

The storage box FSLB310 is made of coated, double-walled cardboard and is therefore both very light and very stable. The attachable lid reliably protects the contents from dust and other external influences. With the two plastic-reinforced carrying handles on the sides, you can transport the box very comfortably.

The 34 compartments have the following dimensions:

  • 24 compartments: 50 mm long x 25 mm wide x 40 mm deep
  • 4 compartments: 50 mm long x 32 mm wide x 40 mm deep
  • 1 compartment: 59 mm long x 25 mm wide x 40 mm deep
  • 1 compartment: 74 mm long x 25 mm wide x 40 mm deep
  • 2 compartments each with one rounded side: 58 mm long x 74 mm wide x 40 mm deep
  • 2 compartments each with one rounded side: 56 mm long x 59 mm wide x 40 mm deep

Each of the 32 compartments of HS040BF05BO is 54 mm long x 35 mm wide x 30 mm deep.

The 3 compartments of HSDF085BO are each 152 mm long x 80 mm wide x 75 mm deep.

Dimensions of the Storage Box:

  • Inner dimensions: 350 mm x 285 mm x 310 mm
  • Outer dimensions: 380 mm x 310 mm x 320 mm
  • high-quality, fine pored foam - Made in Germany
  • CFC-free
  • chlorine and acid-free

Identyfikator pozycji 58255
Identyfikator zmiany FSLB310P02
Model FSLB310P02
Producent Feldherr
Kraj produkujący Niemcy
Zawartość 1 broń
Wymiary 380×310×320mm
Numer taryfy celnej 39239000

EAN: 4052526401911

FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH
Plauener Straße 163-165
13053 Berlin

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