Year 2023

Nienburger Bear Bowl - Blood Bowl

The Nienburger Bear Bowl goes into the second round! After the great success in 2022, the orga team around the Nienburger Bear Bowl invites coaches again to Nienburg on the Weser (between Bremen and Hanover) in their bear den to play Blood Bowl.

Thereby, on October 7th and 8th, 2023 games are scheduled to find out who can take home the trophy this year. While the coaches are mostly from Germany, we also have international participants from Poland, Greece, Italy and Andorra. And the tournament is not only for old hands, but also for tournament newcomers.

Besides the classic prizes for first and second place, there are also prizes for the best minor coach, the best novice, the best painted team, and many more.

Here, the Nienburger Bear Bowl is supported by many painting studios, specialty stores and other companies or individuals. Feldherr has a gift ready for ALL participants at the Nienburger Bear Bowl 2023!

If you are interested in Blood Bowl and of course the Nienburger Bear Bowl, you can sign up via
Facebook, Instagram or their homepage🏉🐻

Raccoon Cup - Blood Bowl

Raccoon Cup is THE ONE Blood Bowl tournament in North Hessen! 2 Days, 6 games, 1 winner - actually...there will be quite a lot more potential winners! 👀

You can not only win cool Feldherr prizes and goodies for being the #1 player around. No, no, there will be big and small awards in lots of other categories: best painted, most touchdowns, most entertaining (ranked by most injuries sustained), best youngster, and many, many more! 🤩💰

So if you are near Kassel, you should definitely sign up for this NAF-ranked Blood Bowl tournament! It will take place June 17 + 18, 2023 - find out more info and sign up on the Raccoon Cup website or Facebook page. 🎯

BayernMajor40K - WH40k

The 3-day tournament over Whitsun is organized by Würfelbar, with support from:

  • Sven from Elbcoast Gaming (Baltic Cup, Elbcoast Cup)
  • Fred from BreakingHeads (Contentcreator/Coach, BreakingHeadsCup)
  • Ridiculous Tabletop (NurgleMania)

You will play on high-quality, fully painted, identical grounds according to tournament standards of NurgleMania.

7 games are planned so that you can arrive relaxed on Saturday and leave not too late on Monday (holiday).

You can expect comfortable gaming, in the modern Novum Conference & Events. Air-conditioned, nice and bright and with soundproof ceilings.

The physical well-being is taken care of. Catering is included in the ticket price. In addition, there are drinks to buy on site, soft drink (+beer) flatrade as well.

Fred from BreakingHeads will stream the whole event. There will be plenty of raffles for spectators and great prizes for tournament winners. We'll do our best to make sure that many familiar faces you love to meet at tournaments or know from Youtube will be there. At the start are: BreakingHeads, Ridiculous Tabletop, Kings of the Hill, Black Hydra Wargaming, White Fairy, Flat3Damage, Donautrolle TV, Schola terram, Würfelbar, Elbcoast Gaming.

Tickets are be available on Taschengelddieb.

Here's to 3 days of fun, games and togetherness - and all that in Bavaria!

Legendarium II - MESBG

The Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game tournament Legendarium II in Austria was a full-on success! Mario, aka "Niemand" won first place and took home a handy Feldherr MEDIUM bag for his Khazad-dûm army. Honorable mention is Rowly, who DID NOT place last this time around! Congratulations to both of you! 🥳👏

But the true star of the tournament was Ulricson and his organization team. One attendee of the Legendarium II remarked that tournament platform T3 needs to introduce a new category, "Gold Standard" just for Legendarium. A huge Feldherr thank you to Ulricson and all his helping hands. We are certainly not the only ones looking forward to 2024 Legendarium III 😎🤩

The tournament "Legendarium II - Die vergessenen Reiche" is the second in a series of Lord of the Rings (Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game) tournaments. "Legendarium" not only stands for the concept of Tolkien's collected works, but also represents a tournament series that places special emphasis on the quality of its MESBG tournaments - be that the quality of the playing fields or the selection of prizes and trophies. Specially written scenarios are used instead of the conventional ones from the Matched Play Guide.

Date: February 11th, 2023

Country: Austria

Find out more here

Are you planning to host a tournament or tabletop event? We are happy to support your dedication to the tabletop community with Feldherr products and merchandise. Please use our contact form for sponsoring requests so that we can answer your request promptly.