The contest is organized by FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH, represented by the Managing Director, Andreas Nickl, Plauener Str. 163-165, in 13053 Berlin.
Participation in the contest is subject to the following conditions of participation:
1. Participation
Any natural person who has reached the age of 18 may participate. Participation is free of charge.
If the sending of materials, files or texts is required for participation, the participant assures to be the sole owner and holder of all rights of use and exploitation of the sent material. By sending the material, the participant grants FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH ownership as well as the comprehensive right of use and exploitation, unless the participant declares its objection in writing. FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH accepts no liability whatsoever for any material sent.
2. General
The promotion or the competition is not connected to Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and is in no way sponsored, supported or organized by Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook.
3. Execution of the contest
To participate in the contest, the participant must follow the instructions of the contest post. The term and thus also the deadline for the contest will be specified individually in each case in the corresponding post on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook.
FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH will determine the winner and notify him or her directly after the end of the contest. The winner must then confirm the prize by message. FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH reserves the right to award the prize to another participant if confirmation is not received within 120 hours.
By participating in the competition, the participant accepts these conditions of participation.
The participant is responsible for the correctness of the contact data provided. The claim to a prize will be forfeited in the event of incorrect allocation of the non-cash prizes due to incorrect data provided. FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH shall not be liable for technical or other problems beyond its control. If unforeseen circumstances arise, FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH reserves the right to change, discontinue or suspend the competition and the prize draw in whole or in part without prior notice. These circumstances include in particular, but are not limited to, the occurrence of a computer virus, a program error, unauthorized intervention by third parties or mechanical or technical problems that are beyond the control and influence of FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH.
4. Prizes
The number, type and value of the prizes of the contest will be specified individually in each case in the corresponding post on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook. As soon as the prize has been handed over to the transport service provider, the risk of accidental deterioration and accidental loss lies with the winner. If FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH is unable to provide the prize for reasons that cannot be justified, it reserves the right to provide a replacement of equal value. The prize is neither exchangeable nor transferable. A legal warranty claim is not granted for the prize. There is also no entitlement to the production of an invoice or a delivery bill. Cash payment is excluded, as is legal recourse. The responsibility for any taxation of the prize lies with the winner.
5. Data protection
By participating in the competition, the participant consents to the storage and use of his/her personal data for the purpose of carrying out and processing the competition and to being contacted by e-mail by FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH.
The participant can revoke this consent at any time during the execution of the prize draw and thus withdraw from participation in the prize draw. The cancellation is to be addressed to:
The personal data will be stored by FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH for a period of 12 months after the end of the competition.
Participants agree that FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH reserves the right to be announced in a public comment on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook after the end of the competition and after the draw by FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH.
6. Exclusion from the contest
In the event of a breach of the conditions of participation, in the event of incorrect personal details, in the event of an attempt to participate in a contest more than once or in the event of an attempt at technical manipulation, FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH reserves the right to exclude the participant from the contest. In such a case, prizes may also be subsequently withdrawn and reclaimed.
Employees of FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH and their relatives are excluded from participation.
7. Miscellaneous
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply exclusively. Should individual provisions of these conditions of participation be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining conditions of participation shall remain unaffected.
FELDHERR Lager- und Transportsysteme GmbH
Plauener Str. 163-165
13053 Berlin
Phone +49 30 44328248
Mobile +49 175 2838263
Managing Director Andreas Nickl
registered at the local court Berlin Charlottenburg HRB 133520 B
Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE276953169
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